Certification training in Subcellular Psychobiology (formerly WHH and PeakStates Therapy) for therapists, psychologists and coaches. The training includes a wide theoretical and methodological material oriented towards the treatment of prenatal, epigenetic and developmental traumas, which allows for obtaining a quick and lasting change in the psychological well-being of a person in the here and now. The trainings are carried out in the form of online video conferences, less often stationary. They consist of an extensive theoretical part in the form of lectures, intensive own and exchange practice with other participants, followed by sessions with clients. Qualification procedure and reading materials are required.
Coming up soon – online formula:
The training that presents a comprehensive concept of therapy and internal development created by Dr. Grant McFetridge`a and teaches the tools of individual internal work and effective assistance and support for the personal development of others. During the course we used the knowledge and skills acquired during therapy sessions, in collaboration with other students and experience of the individual.
The workshop will be conducted by therapists from the Advanced Research Team of the Institute for the Study of Peak States (ISPS of Canada).
Subcellular psychobiology is a new method of self-development therapy and support based on the achievements of Dr. Grant McFetridge`a. Years of study and research in the fields of psychology, biology and subcellular spirituality led to the discovery of the close relationship between injury and physical damage (called trauma) from the prenatal and preconceptional period, and the subsequent development of the psyche and consciousness.
The training consists of a material that includes psychobiology therapy and PeakState proceses. The first, second and third part focuse on intensive learning and interchangeable self-study sessions among students and equip a complimentary tool for their own use when they return home. This, coupled with the acclaimed in-practice training provide a fascinating guide to effective self-therapy and personal development. The fourth part covers client-therapist relationship, pay-for-result rule, ethics, PeakStates proceses and practice in sessions with external clients (min. 3 supervised meetings for every student).
The training is an online formula, run by Skype using the webcam. Each part consist of 3 hour sessions, 3 times a week for 5 weeks. A total of 180 hours of training plus individual work and reading the manual. After enrolling in the list of interested people, we call a meeting through Skype, which aims to answer all questions regarding participation in training.
- Praktykujących terapeutów, psychologów, coachów lub osób aktywnie pracujących z klientami w zawodach związanych ze zdrowiem również w medycynie alternatywnej;
- Pod pewnymi warunkami, dla tych, którzy jeszcze nie pracują z klientami, ale są w trakcie kursu lub szkolenia, który pozwoli im na to w niedalekiej przyszłości;
- Dla tych profesjonalistów, które chcą poszerzyć swoje kwalifikacje w pracy z klientami poprzez uzyskanie certyfikatu Instytutu ISPS i dołączyć do międzynarodowej społeczności certyfikowanych terapeutów.
Szkolenie ma formułę internetową – konferencji grupowych z użyciem kamer internetowych obsługiwane przez platformę Zoom. Łącznie obejmuje 180 godzin podzielone na trzy 3-godzinne spotkania w każdym tygodniu, co daje
około 20 tygodni wspólnej pracy. Do tego należy dodać sesje wymienne z innymi uczestnikami poza zajęciami i lekturę materiałów.
Całość poprowadzi Agata Szyplińska – psycholog, terapeutka z grupy badawczej Instytutu ISPS z 11-letnim doświadczeniem w pracy, trenerka, superwizorka, mentorka i egzaminatorka.
Rozmiar grupy: 4-8 osób
Pierwsza część (135 godzin = 45 spotkań): 2400 euro.
Druga część (45 godzin= 15 spotkań) 800 euro.
There are a number of steps to be taken to qualify and to enroll in the training:
- Because of the complexity of the material being learned applicants need to be really familiar with the Theoretical model by reading Dr. Grant McFetridges books as listed below:
- Peak States of Consciousness Vol 1 by Dr. Grant McFetridge (available from Amazon.com)
- Peak States of Consciousness Vol 2 by Dr. Grant McFetridge (available from Amazon.com)
- The Basic Whole-Hearted Healing Manual by Dr. Grant McFetridge (available from Amazon.com) or
The Whole-Hearted Healing Workbook by Paula Corteau (available from Amazon.com) - Subcellular Psychobiology by Dr. Grant McFetridge (available from Amazon.com). You need to have this book handy during your training it is part of the course material
2. Applicants need to have experienced a minimum of 3 Whole-Hearted Healing therapy sessions or have participated in one of the workshops for self-healing.
3. Applicants need to be free of drug and smoking addiction.
4. Applicants need to apply for a free scan and, if necessary, eliminate any issues could impact the success of the training. Whilst the scan is free, healing this would incur the usual therapy fees and needs to be done by any of the ISPS certified therapists listed on the website.
5. It is necessary that applicants understand the certification and licensing information for each training course and for the ‘pay for results’ system and the Institute’s code of Ethics.
Certification: http://www.
Pay for results and Ethics: http://www.peakstates.com/
6. Applicants need to obtain enrolment forms from their trainer and complete the financial arrangements.
For safety reasons, certain techniques of subcellular psychobiology can only be used by licensed therapists of the Institute for the Study of Peak States. Therefore, the major advantage of completing the monthly training consisting of parts I and II is to start the preparation process for the certification process. To do that completion of the additional external modules are requred: recognition of mental illness, recognition and procedures in so called “spiritual crisis” and prevention in case of risk of suicide). It is possible to participate only in the first part of the training, which will allow the use of the acquired knowledge and techniques only for himself, interchangeable sessions with other participants in the workshop or to support other therapeutic methods.
Contact and informations: agata@terapialafuente.eu.